People who continue to experience health problems no matter what they do, often have unresolved mental and emotional stress that must be dealt with before healing occurs. Approximately 50% of people’s health issues can be related to unresolved stress and 75-90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related health problems. Oh my!
What can you do?
- 1. Breathe Deeply – It’s simple. Breathing slowly and deeply activates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps reduce stress levels. If possible, lay flat on your back and watch your stomach rise and fall. If you are sitting or standing, make sure your belly goes in and out like an infant’s rather than your shoulders rising which creates more stress. Try to take 6 deep breaths per minute; 5 seconds inhaling then 5 seconds exhaling
- 2. Practice the Relaxation Response – Take 20 minutes. If you think you are too busy, you need it even more. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, maybe a special place you enjoy. Consciously allow all your muscles to relax. Breathe in four and out four choosing a word like “peace” or “calm” to focus on a quiet mind and stop the chatter. Use this time to be mindful of everything you feel and hear.
*NOTE: If 20 minutes does’t seem possible, start with 5 and gradually increase your “still time” to 10 then 15 and 20 minutes. It will get easier and more enjoyable - 3. Avoid Caffeine & Sugar – Stress attracts us to junk food. Have you noticed? You may get a quick pick up, but they let you down just as fast and stress the adrenal glands giving you that burned out feeling. Sugar taxes your adrenals so cutting it way down or eliminating it all together could be the life change you need. You will likely lose weight if your body needs to and you may be surprised to see aches and pains disappear. Ask us how we can help you support your adrenals with the right natural supplements.
- 4. Hydrate – Your body needs ½ your body weight in ounces of water at a minimum each day, but not more than your body weight. If you have brain fog or a headache, dehydration could be a contributor. Track your water and you’ll be able to see if you are drinking as much as you think you are. When you are hydrated, your nerves will feel calmer and you’ll sleep more soundly. Dehydration actually increases anxiety levels and no one needs more anxiety.
- 5. Exercise – Those stress hormones are gearing you up to take physical action. Work off those stressful feelings with some consistent activity. Learn how much exercise you need by talking to us about what is right for you right now.
- 6. Feed Your Nerves – Nerves need good quality fats like butter, coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, and omega-3 essential fatty acids. Vitamin C also supports the adrenals and give you a calmer feeling. We can help you find other herbs to support you that will help you stress less.
- 7. Make Time for R & R – We can’t avoid stress! Rest and relaxation only come when we deliberately create enjoyment in our lives. Take time for pleasure and recreation and stop the busyness. Your physical and emotional health will thank you! You will stay healthier AND heal more quickly.
Oh yeah…and contrary to popular belief, TV & the web stimulates (the opposite of what we need).
Adapted from The Comprehensive Guide to Nature’s Sunshine Products For more information contact Christina LaFon 828-305-3373 For Scheduling in Kings Mountain call 704-739-3373